Quotes from Sermon on the Mount, Desire of Ages, Chapter 31
Based on Matthew 5, 6, 7
* God's ways are ways of mercy and the end is salvation.
* The sense of unworthiness will lead the heart to hunger and thirst for righteousness, and this desire will not be disappointed.
* The world is at enmity with the law of God; sinners are at enmity with their Maker; and as a result they are at enmity with one another.... The only power that can create or perpetuate true peace is the grace of Christ. When this is implanted in the heart, it will cast out the evil passions that cause strife and dissension.
* God's ideal for His children is higher than the highest human thought can reach. "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." Matthew 5:48. This command is a promise. …
* A holy temper, a Christlike life, is accessible to every repenting, believing child of God.
* Christ is the ladder that Jacob saw... by His divinity He lays hold upon the throne of heaven, while by His humanity He reaches us.
* He who desires to know the truth must be willing to accept all that it reveals. … To be wavering and halfhearted in allegiance to truth is to choose the darkness of error and satanic delusion.
* All who choose Christ's kingdom of love and righteousness and peace, making its interest paramount to all other, are linked to the world above, and every blessing needed for this life is theirs.
* The good tree will produce good fruit. … So the fruit borne in the life testifies as to the condition of the heart and the excellence of the character. Good works can never purchase salvation, but they are an evidence of the faith that acts by love and purifies the soul.
* Thus Christ set forth the principles of His kingdom … If you build upon human theories and inventions … By the winds of temptation, the tempests of trial, it will be swept away. But these principles that I have given will endure. Receive Me; build on My words.
“Everyone therefore which heareth these words of Mine, and doeth them, shall be likened unto a wise man, which built his house upon the rock: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon the rock." Matthew 7:24, 25