* Sunday? or 8th day of the week? or 1st day of the week?
* Longest 1st evening then morning: Satan and his angels in darkness, then light (Genesis 1:1) * By works (righteousness by Sunday-keeping) Drinks wicked wine (false teachings, Bible?) * Some or all: 1. 1st day of the week or Sunday - God's rest day given to man? 2a. Soul = not a physical body but with natural immortality 2b. Soul cannot die (Genesis 3:4) 2c. After death, soul is awake/alive; the righteous are in heaven already 2d. The wicked suffers in eternal torment immediately after death 4. Praying to dead saints 5. Eats/drinks forbidden/unhealthy foods/drinks 6. Froward/disobedient 7. Deceit/Lying (8.) Sacrifice, ways, thoughts 9. Wickedness 10. Justifies the wicked or condemns the just (Prov 17:15) 11. Prayers of violators of God's law 12. Sexual immorality 13. Keeps Sunday/Baal/Ashtoreth/Milcom/Chemosh/Molech/Tammuz 14. Proud look, High-esteem among men 15. Denial of the pre-existence of Jesus Christ prior to His birth in Bethlehem 16. Advocating and exalting Papacy's holy and dogmatized 1st day Sunday above Sabbath 17. Idol(Sun)day worship (Deu 7:25-26, Eze 8:16) 18. Attempt to communicate with the dead (Deu 18:9-13) 19. Refusing to hear God's law (Prov 28:9) 20. Spiritual adultery (Eze 23:35-45) 21. Shedding innocent blood (Eze 22:2) m.) Falsely accuses Jesus and His disciples of breaking the Sabbath (Matthew 12:2) n.) Falsely claims that Jesus abolished God's law o.) Christian sabbath? Lord's day? p.) 1st day (or 8th day?) of the week or Sunday, is the "Lord's day", says Roman Protestants and Papacy *** Romans 7 y1.) Old/oldness y2.) In the flesh y3.) Carnal y4.) By letter (legally binding contract) y5.) Death - wages of sin y6.) Man's righteous custom/tradition y7.) |
* Lord's day = Sabbath or 7th day (Matthew 12:8, Mark 2:28, Luke 6:5, James 5:4, Rev 1:10)
* Normal 7th evening then morning: Jesus/God rested and all heaven rejoicing (Genesis 2:1-3) * By grace (righteousness by faith in God) Drinks living water (true teachings, Bible) * All by God's grace: 1. 7th day of the week or Sabbath - God's rest day given to man. 2a. Soul = body with breath of life from God (Genesis 2:7) 2b. Soul can die (Genesis 2:17) 2c. After death, soul is asleep/deceased; but will rise again (I Thes. 4:13-18, Rev. 20:13-14) 2d. The wicked remains asleep until second resurrection & death 4. Praying to God directly 5. Eats/drinks allowed/healthy foods/drinks 6. Meek/obedient 7. Honest/truthful 8. 9. Righteousness 10. Justifies the just; condemns the wicked 11. Praying and obeying God's law 12. Sexually moral 13. Keeps 7thDay/God/Jesus/HolySpirit/Father/Jehovah/Yahweh 14. Humble, Lowly 15. Jesus Christ was before Abraham even before the foundation of the world 16. Advocating and exalting God's holy and sanctified 7th day Sabbath above Sunday 17. Father(sABBAth)day worship 18. Does not attempt to communicated with the dead 19. Accepts/hears/reads God's law 20. Spiritual faithfulness 21. Rescues the innocent/oppressed m.) Jesus and His disciples never broke the Sabbath (John 15:10; John 8:46) n.) Jesus never abolished God's law o.) Christian Sabbath, Lord's day :) p.) 7th day of the week or Sabbath, is the Lord's day, says the Bible (Genesis 2:2-3, Revelation 1:10), and even Jesus/God Himself (Matthew 12:8, 24:20) Romans 7:6 "newness of spirit" - new things/creature/person/self (2 Cor 5:17), from inner motive "oldness of the letter" - old things/creature/person/self, from outer acts/show/display *** Romans 7 y1.) New/newness y2.) In the spirit y3.) Spiritual y4.) By grace y5.) Life - gift of God (Romans 6:23) y6.) Christ's righteous law/commandment y7.) |