A. Downloadables (PDF Format):
1. Jesus' Final Love Message and Law of Love
2. Scriptures (Holy Bible)
3. Steps to Christ (Joy/Happiness for Life and Forever)
4. Jesus Saviour-God (The Gospel of Apostle John)
5. Desire of Ages
6. Acts of the Apostles
7. The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan, 1888 edition
8. The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan, 1911 edition
9. Christ's Law of Love
10. The Bible Minutely Specified the Time of Jesus' 1st Coming (Messiah’s Time of Appearance), illustrated + Commentary
11. Exactly Fulfilled Daniel 8:14 and Daniel 9:24-27 Bible Prophecies
12. Prophet of the End
13. The Story of the Great Controversy
1. Jesus' Final Love Message and Law of Love
2. Scriptures (Holy Bible)
3. Steps to Christ (Joy/Happiness for Life and Forever)
4. Jesus Saviour-God (The Gospel of Apostle John)
5. Desire of Ages
6. Acts of the Apostles
7. The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan, 1888 edition
8. The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan, 1911 edition
9. Christ's Law of Love
10. The Bible Minutely Specified the Time of Jesus' 1st Coming (Messiah’s Time of Appearance), illustrated + Commentary
11. Exactly Fulfilled Daniel 8:14 and Daniel 9:24-27 Bible Prophecies
12. Prophet of the End
13. The Story of the Great Controversy
B. Web Links
1. Scriptures/Bible
2. Revelation of Jesus Christ
3. Jesus Saviour-God (Gospel of Apostle John)
4. Steps to Christ (7dr.org Joy/Happiness Now and Forever)
5. Patriarchs and Prophets
6. Prophets and Kings
7. Desire of Ages (Jesus' Childhood, Ministry, and up to His Ascension)
8. Acts of the Apostles
9. The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan
10. Ministry of Healing
11. Education
12. The Plan of Salvation the Same in All Ages
13. Life Sketches of Ellen Gould White
14. 7D R .org (7th Day ...)
15. The First Week - Days 1 through 7 (Father thru Christ, Creator of All)
16. Easter/Sunday - Where it Came From (1st day, Sun/god's day)
17. Sabbath (7th day, Jesus/God's day)
18. The Good Shepherd
19. Jesus Showed the Importance of the Old Testament
20. Quotes from Sermon on the Mount, Desire of Ages, Chapter 31. Based on Matthew 5, 6, and 7.
21. Revelation 19:10 "... the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."
22. Talents
23. Searchable "Joy/Happiness Now and Forever" (7dr.com Steps to Christ)
24. The Bible Minutely Specified the Time of Jesus' 1st Coming (Messiah’s Time of Appearance), Commentary and illustration
25. Jesus in Heaven's Sanctuary (of the New Covenant)
26. Overcome Satan's Wiles through Christ
27. Forever Love (God's Love Manifested Throughout All Ages)
28. A Happy New Year
29. Thoughts for the New Year
30. Daniel illustrated (chapters 2, 7, 8, and 9)
31. The Invitation of Mercy
32. Ten Tests of a True Prophet
33. God's Love Illustrated
2. Revelation of Jesus Christ
3. Jesus Saviour-God (Gospel of Apostle John)
4. Steps to Christ (7dr.org Joy/Happiness Now and Forever)
5. Patriarchs and Prophets
6. Prophets and Kings
7. Desire of Ages (Jesus' Childhood, Ministry, and up to His Ascension)
8. Acts of the Apostles
9. The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan
10. Ministry of Healing
11. Education
12. The Plan of Salvation the Same in All Ages
13. Life Sketches of Ellen Gould White
14. 7D R .org (7th Day ...)
15. The First Week - Days 1 through 7 (Father thru Christ, Creator of All)
16. Easter/Sunday - Where it Came From (1st day, Sun/god's day)
17. Sabbath (7th day, Jesus/God's day)
18. The Good Shepherd
19. Jesus Showed the Importance of the Old Testament
20. Quotes from Sermon on the Mount, Desire of Ages, Chapter 31. Based on Matthew 5, 6, and 7.
21. Revelation 19:10 "... the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."
22. Talents
23. Searchable "Joy/Happiness Now and Forever" (7dr.com Steps to Christ)
24. The Bible Minutely Specified the Time of Jesus' 1st Coming (Messiah’s Time of Appearance), Commentary and illustration
25. Jesus in Heaven's Sanctuary (of the New Covenant)
26. Overcome Satan's Wiles through Christ
27. Forever Love (God's Love Manifested Throughout All Ages)
28. A Happy New Year
29. Thoughts for the New Year
30. Daniel illustrated (chapters 2, 7, 8, and 9)
31. The Invitation of Mercy
32. Ten Tests of a True Prophet
33. God's Love Illustrated